Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016...what a year!

I have been bad...okay keeping up with the blog. There have been many awesome things that have happened (and some not awesome things) that I haven't shared. With a few hours left in 2016, I thought I would close the year with a recap. 

Awesome Things:
  • Blaze started school with Wyatt. I had to provide a dog handler and one of our amazing therapist Rachel decided she wanted the job. It has been a game changer for Wyatt. For the first time ever, he is going to school full time. He is excited to go to school and most importantly so happy! 
  • Wyatt has made a few "typically" developing friends at school. One of the sweet girls even invited him to her birthday party. Of course we went and he seemed so happy!! Blaze was so happy too because the kids got the opportunity to pet him which doesn't always happen at school. 
  • Blaze is starting to be in sync with Wyatt. Commands are getting less, it's like he knows what he suppose to do when we go to the neurologist or when he is at school. VERY awesome!
  • I was interviewed by Just Labs magazine regarding an article about Good Dog! Wyatt and Blaze's picture is even featured in the article. I love the opportunity to tell our story.
  • Because of Blaze, people stop and ask about service dogs and autism. I have had the opportunity to bring awareness to others. 
  • Wyatt is so happy! Wyatt has had some spontaneous language...repeating commands I give to Blaze. Yep, my nonverbal boy is saying words.
  • Every morning when Blaze hears Wyatt wake up, he runs right to him and gives him lots of kisses. Wyatt smiles in return. What a great way to start your day!
  • We celebrated Blaze's second birthday!

A few challenges (or not awesome things):
  • I never realized how stressful it would be to incorporate a service dog into our family. Blaze is wonderful and I feel as I was trained properly; however, that first two months was stressful. I wanted it all to be perfect and realized I was putting a ton of stress on myself.
  • Blaze didn't like the janitors at the school. He let out a few barks. Thank goodness the gentlemen were awesome about me coming after school hours to hang out with Blaze. Glad to report he has made new friends (as well as I did too).
  • Wyatt likes to put his fingers in Blaze's ears. Thankful Blaze doesn't seem to mind; however, I worry he might accidentally hurt Blaze. It's a good opportunity to remind him to be gentle and kind.
  • I have had to learn the balance of "pack" out in public. It's a lot of work to watch Wyatt and Blaze at the same time, while having River say "mommy, look at this". I think I'm getting better. 
Our awesome things way out weigh our not awesome things. I feel so fortunate to have Blaze as part of our pack. Our family has been able to do things that we have never been able to do before because of Blaze.  In just five months, Blaze has made Wyatt a more confident, happier little boy. Honestly, I feel like I have gained so much, as a mom, because of Blaze! 

Today, I have reflected on 2016 (such an awesome year for us) and planning for what goals I want to achieve in 2017. I have plans to bring this blog back to life...with a little a twist. As most of you know, goals are hard to keep. So please, remind to post and share our story!! Hold me accountable...I need it!  

Happy New Year! Thanks for being part of our 2016! 