Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Welcome to Adventures of a Boy and His Dog (and his mom, dad, and brother).  I have a beautiful, amazing, awesome little boy named Wyatt, he is six years old. Right before the age of two, Wyatt was diagnosed with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, PICA, and Seizure Disorder. Wyatt is considered nonverbal. 

In February 2015, we had a fundraising activity to raise $13,000 for Wyatt's service dog. Many of you, who are reading this blog, were so generous to donate and/or followed our story. I thought this blog would be an awesome way to provide updates and share stories of our adventure (no, we don't have the dog yet).

However, one of my dear friends challenged me (this is why I surround myself with intelligent, opinionated,outspoken friends). She said "Natasha, I love the idea of you sharing the service dog story: however you have so much more to your story than just the service dog. Share how you balance working a full-time job and being a mom of a specials need child. Share the challenges you face regarding Wyatt. Share stories of your family, including River (Wyatt's 3 year old brother). Share the pleasures of autism and your deepest fears. And of course also share why you wanted a service dog for Wyatt. Share how the dog will help Wyatt and the family." Well dear friend, I am accepting the challenge!

Before I begin telling our story. I wanted to share a few disclaimers regarding this blog:

1) Writing is not my strength, I do not have a degree in English and/or creative writing (honestly, this is way out of my comfort zone).There will mostly likely be many post full of grammatical errors. Please excuse them.

2)  I believe the more awareness about Autism, increases the chances of acceptance. 

3) If you have questions, ask me! Your not going to offend me. 

4) Please share this blog with others!!

5) I am a lady, but there are times that a curse words are just necessary. Therefore, if you are sharing with your children, please do a quick review first.

6) I am not an expert in Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, PICA, Seizure Disorders, or Service Dogs.

6) My child (or children) did not come with an instruction manual. I'm not perfect.,,I will never claim that my way is the best way. We are surviving and having fun doing it.

Welcome to this adventure...more to come later!




  1. Love you. And if you didn't curse I'd be disappointed. Can't wait to hear all about everything!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Looking forward to it! I'm learning this as well... good luck! (Going back to school in special ed)

  4. Can't wait to hear all about it...glad to know I'm not the only mom that curses!!!

  5. So glad you decided to share! Can't wait to learn more about the journey you and your family have been on and what is to come!

  6. Can't wait to read the adventures! Look forward to getting this insight as a family member but also as a teacher who seeks to reach each student in the way he/she deserves. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. So happy you are doing this! It will help keep us all updated! Love you��

  8. Oh gosh this is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Such a wonderful story of awesome supporting, sometimes cursing��, loving parents, and a boy who shines bright than the sun and his wonderful brother that shoots for the moon! Love this family!! So glad u decided to follow through!! ❤

  9. Oh gosh this is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Such a wonderful story of awesome supporting, sometimes cursing��, loving parents, and a boy who shines bright than the sun and his wonderful brother that shoots for the moon! Love this family!! So glad u decided to follow through!! ❤

  10. Great idea! We can't wait to read all about it!!

  11. Love you Natasha, you are an amazing mom. River is a wonderful brother and of course dad is a great dad. You and your family's strength and courage are an inspiration. I love Wyatt and his family. I'm proud to call you my friend.

  12. From one cursing mom to another...I am so FU¢KING proud of you! Love you, boo.

  13. I am glad you decided to do this! I can't wait to read more!

  14. I love Wyatt and your little family! Ever since I met Wyatt my heart and life has been forever changed.💙 I am so excited and can't wait to read about all the life adventures!

  15. The root of the word "courage" means "heart" or "love." Your courage is amazing and inspiring! Thank you for sharing.

  16. All Moms curse at one time or another! Carry on! Can't wait to read about your adventures!

  17. Very proud of you Natasha...you are a fantastic Mom and Wyatt is lucky to have you!!

  18. Thank y'all for your awesome response to my post. I'm so excited to share my story with others! Your support means so much to me!
